You are getting so very relaxed!


Nov. 25, 2019

Meditative ASMR diary writing in Norwegian, with trigger/focus words repeated. Bineural + fireplace + storm (1 hour sleep friendly)

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook Listen to this long podcast in Norwegian to relax and also learn some Norwegian language as a bonus. You are invited i…
Nov. 24, 2019

ASMR fairytale in SLOW Norwegian - FLUGEN

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook Buy the book and read with us. We will continue reading many of the fairytales in this book. This fairytale is about h…
Nov. 17, 2019

ASMR Norwegian lesson: Learn and understand the song ”Vårherres klinkekule” by Erik bye

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook In this long ASMR lesson it is storming outside, but we are warm and safe inside, in front of the fireplace and practi…
Nov. 14, 2019

ASMR fairytale in SLOW Norwegian with relaxing fireplace sounds - Tommeliten

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on FacebookA little bedtime reading ASMR style, without any edits of mistakes etc. in Norwegian language. Please copy link and sha…
Nov. 13, 2019

ASMR rainy day in jazz café, reading SLOW Norwegian: Skattkista 1 - Norges største matematiker

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   I am reading in a book from 1955 in Norwegian language. Please copy link and share in social media!Vær så snill å ko…
Nov. 10, 2019

ASMR whispered fairytale from Ethiopia in SLOW Norwegian: To sauer og to geiter.

Buy the book and read with me. I will continue reading many of the fairytales in this book. This fairytale is about friendship and collaboration and is read to you by Jonas from the book: "Eventyr fra jordens hjerte". #Asmr …
Nov. 8, 2019

ASMR rhyming story in SLOW Norwegian with gentle music from the renaissance period : Jaguaren

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   #Asmr #tingles #relax #braingasm #bedtime #fairytale #meditation #book #Norwegian #learn norwegian #whispering #whis…
Oct. 30, 2019

ASMR rainy day in jazz café, reading SLOW Norwegian: Skattkista 1 - introduksjon.

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   I am reading in a book from 1955 in Norwegian language. Please copy link and share in social media!Vær så snill å ko…
Aug. 10, 2019

ASMR fairytale in SLOW Norwegian - Kjempen og ekornet

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   A little bedtime reading ASMR style, without any edits of mistakes etc. in Norwegian language. Please copy link and …
July 15, 2019

Read slow Norwegian: Lille Skrubbnese (Indian fairytale)

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   Please copy link and share in social media!Vær så snill å kopiere linken og del i sosiale medier!
July 8, 2019

Read slow Norwegian: Plommetreet (The Emperors Plum Tree)

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   I Den store boka 2 - 365 godnatthistorier, finner vi på side 566 en fin fortelling som jeg leser sammen med datteren…
March 13, 2019

Spoken word Norwegian

Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   Kanskje ikke helt rett script, men ganske rett! Det kan være skrivefeil, da dette er veldig kjapt komponert!________…
Sept. 6, 2018

Read slow Norwegian: Millioner av katter (Do you know this fairytale? )

Millioner av katter Appreciate this episode? Buy me a coffee! :)Love this podcast? Tell me (and the world)Join me on Facebook   Følg med i boken på youtube. Det var en gang en gammel, gammel mann og en gammel, gammel kone. D…
Sept. 5, 2018

Learn Norwegian by examining the subject of sleep.

If you want to wach the video and the words on the screen as you listen, go to the video: Lær norsk med tema: Søvn. Once you have watched the video and listened to the audio a cople of times, I urge you to rehearse the vocab…
Sept. 3, 2018

Read slow Norwegian: Ordtak om farger på norsk. (Colourful Norwegian expressions)

It can be helpful to read the article yourself as you listen.  I have also published word lists with 76 words and expressions in 5 languages! Find them here: Word lists Remember to subscribe to my podcast, and if you want to…
Aug. 7, 2018

Read slow Norwegian: 27 uttrykk på norsk du må kunne. (Norwegian expressions)

It can be helpful to read the article yourself as you listen.  Remember to subscribe to my podcast, and if you want to watch videos as well, head over to my Youtube channel: Norsk med Lene
Aug. 3, 2018

Read slow Norwegian: Tørrfisk - en lang tradisjon i Norge

Tørrfisk   Tørrfisk er i hovedsak tørket torsk. Den er best kjent som torsk som sløyes og flekkes (deles langs ryggbeinet) før den henges til tørk. Betegnelsen kan også brukes om andre tørkede fiskearter. Torsken (skreien) k…
April 5, 2018

Les og lytt: Reell og opplevd læringskurve (Norwegian reading)

Here you can find the wordlist, illustrating images and text we read!
April 3, 2018

Relax and learn Norwegian- Colours (TWO hour sleep hypnosis).mp3

Watch on youtube!    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING HEAVY MACHINERY! Best with HEADPHONES! This is of hypnotic/meditative nature, and is safe and healthy to use when you are sit…
April 1, 2018

Vi leser om Polen del 8 av 8: Polen og Norge ( Kun teksten opplest)

Polen og Norge Norge har et nært politisk, militært, økonomisk og kulturelt samarbeid med Polen. President Andrzej Duda og Agata Kornhauser-Duda var på statsbesøk til Norge 23.–25. mai 2016. Dette var det tredje polske stats…
March 31, 2018

Les og lytt: På hyttetur

I dag skal jeg på hyttetur til en god venninne av meg, som jeg har kjent siden vi gikk på videregående skole. Dere vet oss nordmenn og hytteturer… det er godt innarbeidet i våre tradisjoner. Hytten vi skal til ligger på Hard…
March 31, 2018

Relax and learn Norwegian: Lær norsk med tema SØVN

DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING HEAVY MACHINERY! This is of hypnotic/meditative nature, and is safe and healthy to use when you are sitting or laying down. Use headphones for best effect and experience. The …